If there’s one thing that’s sure to draw a crowd, it’s a picture of a cute animal.

    Few people can resist pulling a big smile and an ‘awwwwww’ when they see a photo of a furry kitten or a wide-eyed puppy.

    And while cats and dogs are undoubtedly two of the cutest pets going, there are other animals out in the wild that are arguably even more adorable.

    The following is a list of 14 of the cutest wild animals on the planet.

    If you get through these 14 without cracking a smile, then you must have ice in your veins.

    Red Panda

    As far as cute animals go, few are able to match the adorable fluffy ears and bushy tail of the red panda.

    While it might share the same name as its black and white relative, the red panda is much smaller, with most only growing to the size of a domestic house cat.

    That tail, my friends, is more than an aesthetic marvel; it's a built-in thermal blanket.

    They can be found in the mountainous forests of Nepal, Burma and central China and spend the majority of their time high in the trees.

    Their bushy tail isn’t just for show either, as it can be used as a wrap-around blanket to keep them warm on those cool mountain nights.

    Sea Otter

    “It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.”

    David Attenborough

    The fluffy coat of the sea otter may make them look super-cute but it is also a crucial tool in their survival.

    The coat is both warm and water-repellant and helps to keep the otter’s body temperature up, even in the coldest of waters.

    It dines, it dreams, it delivers offspring—all atop the water; behold the true maritime multitasker!

    This is incredibly important, as sea otters spend the majority of their time in the water and lay on their backs to eat, sleep and even give birth.

    Arctic Fox

    The beautiful white coat of the arctic fox may fool you into thinking this is a delicate and pampered creature, but the animal is actually capable of withstanding incredibly harsh conditions.

    Arctic foxes often have to survive in temperatures as low as -50 degrees during the Arctic winter.

    Adorable and -50-degree winters shouldn't be in the same sentence, yet here we are, awed by this frosty survivalist.

    With no trees around to take shelter from the snowstorms, these foxes often dig themselves into the snow, just in order to survive.

    They may be cute but they certainly are tough!

    Black Footed Wild Cat

    The black footed wild cat may look like an adorable cross between a leopard and a house cat, but don’t be fooled by the cute, stroke-able exterior.

    The black foot is actually one of the smallest wild cats in the world and is rarely seen by humans.

    Cute on the outside, elusive at heart; this tiny wild cat is a living paradox that evades human eyes.

    This is due to the fact that they are very solitary and strictly nocturnal, only coming out into the open to hunt for their prey at night.

    They live in Southern Africa and have been listed as ‘vulnerable’ since 2002, due to the sharp decrease in their numbers.

    Bearded Tamarin Monkeys

    While most monkeys are undoubtedly cute, the bearded tamarin monkey manages to take cuteness to a whole new level.

    The tamarin is instantly recognisable by its adorable white beard and moustache, which give it a striking appearance when set against its pink nose and grey fur.

    A monkey so cute it could be from a fairy tale, yet it dwells in the raw reality of the Amazon.

    The cuteness doesn’t stop there though, as the fact tamarin monkeys only grow to 9-10 inches tall, means they are one of the smallest monkeys on the planet and little bigger than a squirrel.

    These little creatures can be found in the trees of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia.

    Red Squirrel

    “An understanding of the natural world, and what’s in it as a source of not only great curiosity but great fulfilment.” 

    David Attenborough

    You may think the common grey squirrel is pretty high up in the cuteness stakes, but it can’t hold its own when compared to the sheer adorability of the red squirrel.

    Red squirrels were quite a common sight in Great Britain until recent years, but the introduction of the grey squirrel from North America and the destruction of their habitat has seen numbers fall dramatically.

    The red squirrel's thick coat and fluffy ears make it a visual feast of cuteness, a sight sadly becoming rare.

    They are slightly smaller in size compared to their grey relatives and can be identified by their thick red coats, bushy tail and fluffy ears.

    When it comes to cuteness, the red squirrel undoubtedly deserves its place on this list.


    The wombat gets its cuteness from its large pudgy body and soft furry coat, which makes it look like it was designed to be cuddled.

    These adorable creatures can be found in Australia and are mostly nocturnal animals, only coming out at night to feed.

    A creature so cuddly, it's as if nature designed it for a starring role in your nighttime dreams.

    The adorability of the wombat is increased further by the fact that they are marsupials and carry their tiny young in pouches on the mother’s belly for up to 7 months.

    Clouded Leopard

    While most of the feline family seem to contain a high amount of the cute gene, the clouded leopard takes things to a whole new level.

    This beautiful big cat can be found in the rainforests of Indonesia and the foothills of the Himalayas and got its name because of its incredible spotted coat.

    The clouded leopard combines aesthetics with utility, being both irresistibly cute and remarkably agile.

    The adorable cat has the looks of a giant kitten thanks to its over-sized paws and short legs.

    These features have a very real use though and allow the leopard to excel at climbing and even hang upside down from tree branches!

    Harp Seal

    Just one look at a harp seal and it becomes easy to see why it earned its place on this list.

    The adorable seal not only possesses big bright eyes and dainty whiskers, but the white fluffy coat of the young pups makes them almost too cute for words.

    Fifteen minutes underwater, yet eternally embedded in our hearts. Harp seals defy our definitions of beauty and endurance.

    Harp seals can be found in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans and spend the majority of their time in the water, being able to stay submerged for an impressive 15 minutes before coming up for air.

    Field Mouse

    Love them or hate them, it is hard to argue that most mice are pretty cute (when they’re not running around your house that is).

    The field mouse is arguably the cutest of them all though, with its tiny body and adorable big eyes, ears and feet.

    A blend of innocence and vulnerability; their life is like a suspense thriller set in the tranquility of meadows and fields.

    Field mice get their name from the fact they are usually found feeding on seeds and berries in hedgerows and fields.

    It may sound like the ideal life but field mice have to constantly be on the lookout as they are a food source for a large number of different predators including owls, foxes, weasels and birds of prey.

    Fennec Fox

    The fennec fox almost looks as if it was actually designed to be as cute as possible. Its oversized ears, large eyes and small nose make it one of the most adorable animals on the planet.

    Fennec foxes can be found in the Sahara desert and other parts of Northern Africa and they are officially the smallest fox in the world.

    t's as if nature put all its effort into making the fennec fox adorable, then realized it also had to survive in a desert. And succeeded at both.

    Their big ears aren’t just for show though and actually help them to control their body heat and keep them cool in the hot Sahara sun.

    Slow Loris

    Just one look at the slow loris and it is almost impossible not to smile.

    These adorable creatures can be found in the forests of Southeast Asia and are instantly recognisable by their huge bright eyes.

    Imagine being so cute that your defense mechanism is to go full peekaboo with your potential predator.

    As if that wasn’t cute enough already, slow lorises also instantly freeze when they are spotted by a potential predator and cover up their faces with their hands as a form of protection.

    Don’t be fooled by the sweet exterior though as lorises also possess a toxic bite in order to warn off any predators who get too close.


    “I must have been a koala in my past life.”

    Miranda Kerr

    The koala is one of Australia’s most famous animals and it is easy to see why it has gained so much popularity.

    The furry, plump body of the koala makes them an incredibly sweet and cute animal to look at.

    Think of them as the deceptive introverts of the animal kingdom—quiet and cute, but ready to defend their space when necessary.

    Don’t let their cuddly exterior fool you though, as koalas actually posses incredibly sharp claws and teeth and will attack if they feel they are under threat.

    They spend the vast majority of their time in eucalyptus trees (their main diet being eucalyptus leaves) and sleep for up to 18 hours per day!

    Siberian Flying Squirrel

    While the red squirrel was rightly included on this list, even its undoubted cuteness might not quite be able to match up to its relative, the Siberian flying squirrel.

    The wide eyes and cute features of this adorable rodent almost make it look like its from a cartoon.

    As rare as they are cute, these little wonders are the hidden gems of the European wilderness.

    These sweet little creatures are incredibly rare in Europe and are only found in the wild in Finland, Estonia and Latvia.

    They get their name from the flaps of skin underneath their arms and legs which allow them to glide from tree to tree to escape danger.

    Expand your cuteness horizons beyond pets

    In a world where the internet is flooded with videos of cats knocking things off tables and dogs doing adorable tricks, it’s refreshing to shine the spotlight on the unsung heroes of cuteness in the animal kingdom.

    From the Sahara’s heat-resistant Fennec Fox to the tree-hugging Koala down under, these wild wonders prove that cuteness isn’t monopolized by our domesticated darlings.

    As you scroll through social media, bypass the tabbies and terriers and give a virtual round of applause to these 14 wild creatures that are not just surviving, but thriving in the cuteness department.

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